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This paper look at architectural conservation in Indonesia as an ex Colonized Country, that faced special problems instead of common problems such as the decline of an old historic urban. 'Kota-lama' at Jl. Raden Patah , Semarang, which is popular as 'The Little Netherland' is an example of the problem. Another problem is that some old historic urban areas located in old  Downtown areas are currently becoming more and more interesting areas for business, capital investments and for living. The land-value become financially so high, that stimulates the Owners to arrange 'tricks' to remove the Old buildings, we called “Pembusukan” (Indonesia : spoiling)

Instead of ordinary problems of Architectural Conservation in such countries, in an ex Colonized Country like Indonesia, there must be a special approach, attention and attitude on the Architectural Conservation of Colonial-buildings. That have to be done because In an ex Colonized country, the Colonial-building had given a traumatic feeling to the indigenous people and if treated wrong , can bring back the feel of anguish in the present time.

Key-words: Architectural conservation, ex-Colonized Country.


the paper

Keywords: Architectural conservation, ex Colonized country, Semarang, Indonesia

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Foto Pidato Lustrum I UnikaPidato Dies Natalis XXIX, 5 Agustus 2011Presenting Unity in Diversity ConservationCertificate of the Best paper AwardPembicara utama Seminar Arsitektur PopulisWebinar pembukan Program Doktor Arsitektur Digital


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Dr.Ir.A.Rudyanto Soesilo MSA

Lecturer - Architect - Composer 



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